Pharmacy Compounding Accreditation Board Accredited Logo

PCAB Accreditation

Granite State Compounding and Wellness Pharmacy is proud to have earned the industry's top quality and safety endorsement - PCAB Accreditation. Many pharmacies practice a small degree of compounding, while compounding is the center of our focus.

"Our PCAB Accreditation status and our designation as a PCAB Accredited compounding pharmacy lets the public know that PerforMix Specialty Pharmacy ranks among the best for quality and safety. The PCAB Seal of Accreditation shows our dedication to protecting our patients by praticing safe, high-quality compounding." - James A. Tomacchio, Sr., Director of Pharmacy

With the high volume of prescriptions that are compounded each year, there was a need for an enhanced, profession-wide system of standards by which each compounding pharmacy can test its quality process. While compounding pharmacy is regulated by the state, PCAB Accreditation is an even more comprehensive way to ensure a compounding pharmacy is meeting the highest quality and safety standards.

To earn PCAB Accreditation, Granite State Compounding and Wellness Pharmacy had to complete an extensive application, document its written policies and provide an analysis of its quality procedures that was reviewed by the Pharmacy Compounding Accreditation Board. Granite State Compounding and Wellness Pharmacy then opened its doors for an extensive on-site inspection led by compounding experts. Only when these stringent evaluations were completed did the Pharmacy Compounding Accreditation Board officially grant Granite State Compounding and Wellness Pharmacy the PCAB Seal of Accreditation and the right to use the designation “PCAB Accredited™ compounding pharmacy.”

National Association of Boards of Pharmacy Accredited Logo

NABP Accredititation

Granite State Compounding and Wellness Pharmacy has met all the compounding pharmacy criteria set in place by the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy (NABP). The NABP accreditation program demonstrates the highest level of patient care and dedication to reducing the risks associated with compounding practices and medication safety.

Why choose an accredited pharmacy for compounding needs?

  • Quality: PCAB accreditation was established to uphold high quality in pharmacy compounding through voluntary accreditation programs that observes adherence to established principles, policies, and specifications.
  • Third-Party Recognition: PCAB accreditation meets compliance requirements for an ever-growing number of networks and regulatory organizations.
  • Safety: PCAB accreditation helps maintain compliance with all relevant USP standards.